تفاقم حرائق الغابات في البرازيل عام 2024
January 22, 2025 - تسببت حرائق الغابات في البرازيل العام الماضي في تدمير 30.867.676 هكتاراً من النباتات، 58% منها في الأمازون، بزيادة قدرها 79% عن العام 2023.
Wildfires in Brazil last year burned an area larger than Italy, according to the MapBiomas monitor, which launched in 2019.
“It was an absurd increase,” said Ane Alencar, coordinator of MapBiomas, adding, “Once a forest is hit by fire, it takes years and years to recover”.
Brazil continues to battle blazes deliberately started by farmers illegally expanding their territory, but is also fighting climate change which makes vegetation drier and more prone to burning.
The figures will be embarrassing for President Lula da Silva, who later in the year will host the UN COP30 climate conference in the Amazon city of Belem.