إجراءات أمنية مشددة استعداداً لتنصيب ترامب infographic
Graphic shows Trump’s inauguration schedule and Inauguration parade route


إجراءات أمنية مشددة استعداداً لتنصيب ترامب

By Jordi Bou

January 20, 2025 - تستعد واشنطن لحفل تنصيب الرئيس المنتخب دونالد ترامب بمشاركة 25،000 ضابط إنفاذ قانون، و50 كيلومتراً من الأسوار ونقاط تفتيش أمنية للتعامل مع مئات الآلاف من المشاهدين.

President-elect Trump's inauguration will feature some of the most stringent security measures ever taken for a national security event.

There will be over 25,000 law enforcement and military personnel – including 4,000 officers coming in from other cities and 7,800 National Guard members.

There will also be more than 48km of anti-scale fencing, more than any prior national special security event.

This inauguration comes amid a series of unprecedented high-security events in D.C. and on the heels of the New Year’s Day attack in New Orleans and a Cybertruck explosion in Las Vegas that rattled the nation.

It follows a campaign marked by two attempts on Trump’s life – including one from a would-be assassin who nicked his ear with a bullet.

PUBLISHED: 15/01/2025; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images