مقتل المئات في إعصار مايوت
December 16, 2024 - تبحث فرق الإنقاذ عن ناجين في أرخبيل مايوت الفرنسي بعد أن دمر أقوى إعصار منذ ما يقرب من قرن مجموعة الجزر الواقعة في المحيط الهندي.
Parts of the islands, which were struck by Cyclone Chido over the weekend with winds of more than 200km/h. remain inaccessible to rescue workers, Reuters reports.
The storm was the strongest to strike Mayotte in more than 90 years, French weather service Meteo France said. It has a population of about 321,000 and is made up of two main islands over an area about twice the size of Washington DC.
Rapid intensification of cyclones is also more likely with higher sea temperatures and so the fact that this storm strengthened so quickly may have been partly due to climate change, BBC reports.