نهاية السنة
الصحافيون الذين قتلوا أو اختفوا في العام 2024
December 9, 2024 - تُظهر أحدث بيانات صادرة عن لجنة حماية الصحافيين أن 91 صحفياً وعاملاً إعلامياً قُتلوا في العام 2024، انخفاضاً من 98 في العام السابق، وكانت الحرب الإسرائيلية على غزة مسؤولة عن أكثر من نصف الوفيات.
The latest 2024 data from a leading organisation that promotes press freedom, highlights the severe dangers facing journalists around the world, and in particular, from the hazards of the Israel-Gaza war.
In Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, 59 journalists and media workers were killed, and two went missing in 2024 – by far the highest tally of any conflict anywhere in the world.
So far this year, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) says 91 journalists and media workers have been killed worldwide, with 67 unaccounted for – last year 98 journalists were killed.
The data shows only confirmed accounts, with actual figures likely to be higher.