اتهام مشتبه به في جريمة قتل الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة رعاية صحية في نيويورك
Graphic maps details of the crime and subsequent arrest.


اتهام مشتبه به في جريمة قتل الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة رعاية صحية في نيويورك

By Ninian Carter

December 10, 2024 - بعد مطاردة ضخمة، تم القبض على رجل يبلغ من العمر 26 عاماً واتهامه بقتل الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة UnitedHealthcare براين طومسون في مدينة نيويورك.

Luigi Mangione, 26, has been charged with the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, 50, in New York City on the morning of December 4.

Thompson was fatally shot in the back outside the Hilton Midtown hotel in Manhattan, where the medical insurance giant was holding an investors' meeting.

At the crime scene, police found shell casings with the words “deny", “defend” and “depose” written on them – similar to the title of a book that criticises health insurance companies.

Mangione was arrested and taken into custody at a McDonald’s fast food outlet in the town of Altoona, Pennsylvania, on December 9 after a customer recognised him.

According to police, the Ivy League graduate from a prominent and wealthy Maryland family, was found in possession of a gun, silencer and handwritten three-page document expressing “ill will” towards corporate America.

The shooting triggered a huge manhunt, with the NYPD using one of the world’s largest digital surveillance systems to search for the fugitive.

PUBLISHED: 10/12/2024; STORY: Graphic News