الجيش السوري يتصدى لهجوم شنته قوات المعارضة
December 4, 2024 - يخوض الجيش السوري معارك شرسة مع المسلحين، في الوقت الذي يحاول فيه نظام الرئيس بشار الأسد المحاصر وقف تقدم المعارضة نحو مدينة حماة.
Intense airstrikes and the arrival of pro-government reinforcements drove Syrian rebels back overnight from the edge of Hama, a major city whose fall would pile pressure on President Bashar al-Assad, both sides said on Wednesday.
Rebels have staged their biggest advance in years over the past week, seizing Aleppo and much of the surrounding countryside. By Tuesday they had all but reached the Hama outskirts a third of the way between Aleppo and Damascus.
Any prolonged return of fighting in Syria risks further destabilising a region roiled by conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon, Reuters said.