الرئيس بايدن يعفو عن نجله هانتر infographic
Graphic charts the number of pardons issued by recent U.S. Presidents.


الرئيس بايدن يعفو عن نجله هانتر

By Ninian Carter

December 2, 2024 - في تحول جريء، منح الرئيس الأميركي جو بايدن عفواً ”كاملاً وغير مشروط“ لنجله هانتر، الذي كان من المقرر أن يُحكم عليه بتهمة انتهاك قانون الضرائب وحيازة الأسلحة.

In a brazen about-turn, U.S. President Joe Biden has granted “a full and unconditional” pardon to Hunter Biden, after pledging to stay out of legal proceedings against his son – a recovering drug addict who has pleaded guilty to tax violations and been convicted on firearms charges.

The grant of clemency is for any offences committed in a window from January 1, 2014 to December 1, 2024. Hunter Biden was due to face sentencing in December for making false tax statements and illegally buying a gun.

In September, he pleaded guilty to federal charges of failing to pay $1.4 million in taxes while spending heavily on drugs and prostitutes.

President-elect Donald Trump has criticised the move, although he himself, when sworn in next month, is expected to pardon some 1,500 people convicted, or awaiting trial, for the January 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot.

PUBLISHED: 02/12/2024; STORY: Graphic News