مقتل أكثر من 60 شخصاً في فيضانات مفاجئة في إسبانيا infographic
Graphic shows areas affected by the flooding in Spain.


مقتل أكثر من 60 شخصاً في فيضانات مفاجئة في إسبانيا

By Jordi Bou

October 30, 2024 - قُتل ما لا يقل عن 64 شخصاً ولا يزال العشرات في عداد المفقودين بعد أن تسببت الأمطار الغزيرة في حدوث فيضانات مفاجئة في جنوب شرق إسبانيا.

As the search continued for the missing, people were urged to stay off the roads and away from swollen rivers amid warnings that the severe weather was not over and that the number of fatalities could still rise.

The Valencian government’s emergency coordination centre said its multiple victims protocol had been activated, adding that the latest number of known fatalities in the region was 62.

In the town of Chiva, near the city of Valencia, more than a year’s worth of rain fell in just eight hours

The death toll is expected to rise as search continues for missing people, with residents urged to stay off roads

The death toll appeared to be the worst in Europe from flooding since 2021 when at least 185 people died in Germany.

Scientists say extreme weather events in the region are becoming more frequent due to climate change. Meteorologists think the warming of the Mediterranean, which increases water evaporation, plays a key role in making torrential rains more severe.

PUBLISHED: 30/10/2024; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images