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 ارتفاع حرارة العالم بأكثر من ثلاث درجات infographic
Graphic charts different global temperature rise scenarios.


ارتفاع حرارة العالم بأكثر من ثلاث درجات

By Ninian Carter

October 25, 2024 - تقرير جديد للأمم المتحدة يؤكد أنه إذا تم الحفاظ على السياسات البيئية الحالية، فإن العالم قد يشهد ارتفاعاً كارثياً في درجات الحرارة بمقدار 3.1 درجات مئوية هذا القرن.

A new UN Emissions Gap report highlights that if current policies are maintained, the world could warm by a massive 3.1°C this century.

They say that such a rise would be catastrophic for the planet, leading to dramatic increases in extreme weather events including heatwaves and floods, and making working outside extremely difficult if not impossible.

The report counters that if countries put into action pledges already made then temperatures will rise by 2.6°C to 2.8°C.

Or if every country puts these plans into action and follows through on existing net zero pledges, the rise could be contained to 1.9°C.

However, even a rise of 1.9°C would be considered a disaster, with the planet’s temperature already up by 1.1°C which we’re feeling the effects from on many levels, not least an increase in extreme weather and rising sea levels.

PUBLISHED: 25/10/2024; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images