عقار خطير يحظى بشعبية بين الشباب
October 24, 2024 - ليام باين، العضو السابق في فرقة One Direction، كان قد تناول مزيجاً من المخدرات يسمى الكوكايين الوردي عندما سقط من شرفة غرفته في فندق في الأرجنتين وتوفي.
ABC News and TMZ report that former One Direction band member Liam Payne had a cocktail of drugs known as ‘pink cocaine’ in his system when he fell from a hotel balcony in Argentina and died last week.
Pink cocaine (also known as Tusi) is a powdered mixture of drugs, coloured pink with food colouring or dye, that usually does not include cocaine and is cheap and popular with young people in the club scene.
Typically it’s composed of ketamine, methamphetamine, MDMA (aka ecstasy or Molly), 2-CB, opioids (like fentanyl), bath salts and caffeine – although it can be contaminated with other drugs meaning unanticipated effects can occur.