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 دراسة - قد يكون البشر قد وصلوا إلى ذروة العمر infographic
Graphic charts data on human life expectancy.


دراسة - قد يكون البشر قد وصلوا إلى ذروة العمر

By Ninian Carter

October 8, 2024 - بعد سنوات من التقدم الطبي، معدل ارتفاع متوسط ​​العمر المتوقع للإنسان يتباطأ، وفقاً لنتائج دراسة جديدة تبحث في البيانات في البلدان التي يعيش فيها الناس أطول فترة.

A new study looking at data on life expectancy over the last three decades, concludes that while average life expectancies have increased, the rates at which they are rising have slowed.

The data implies that humans could be approaching the zenith of what’s possible for average life span, after years of medical and technological advances.

The study looks at data on life expectancy at birth (1990-2019) from locations where people typically live the longest – Australia, France, Italy, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

Researchers found that although average life expectancies increased during the period of study, their rate of increase slowed down. Hong Kong was the exception where life expectancy did not decelerate, largely due to economic prosperity and tobacco control.

Lead author Stuart Olshansky, of the University of Illinois Chicago, says, “Most people alive today at older ages are living on time that was manufactured by medicine”.

PUBLISHED: 08/10/2024; STORY: Graphic News