إعصار ميلتون يضرب فلوريدا infographic
Graphic shows the predicted path of Hurricane Milton.


إعصار ميلتون يضرب فلوريدا

By Ninian Carter

October 7, 2024 - تستعد فلوريدا لعمليات إخلاء جماعية مع اقتراب إعصار ميلتون من الولاية الواقعة في جنوب الولايات المتحدة - والتي لا تزال تعاني من آثار إعصار هيلين الذي أودى بحياة 14 شخصاً هناك قبل أيام قليلة.

Florida is readying for mass evacuations as Hurricane Milton, currently at Category 1 strength, bears down on the southern U.S. state.

In 2017, around 7 million people were urged to evacuate Florida as Hurricane Irma barrelled in, causing chaos and jamming freeways.

The latest storm comes just 10 days after Hurricane Helene – the deadliest U.S. mainland storm since Katrina in 2005 – left a path of destruction in the south-east, killing at least 225 people (14 of which were in Florida), with still hundreds more missing.

Forecasts suggests Milton could make landfall in the Tampa Bay area on Wednesday, and remain at hurricane strength as it moves across central Florida and on into the Atlantic Ocean.

PUBLISHED: 07/10/2024; STORY: Graphic News