سويسرا وإيطاليا تعيدان ترسيم الحدود الجبلية infographic
Graphic shows why the Swiss-Italian border is moving.


سويسرا وإيطاليا تعيدان ترسيم الحدود الجبلية

By Ninian Carter

September 30, 2024 - من المقرر أن تعيد الجارتان اللتان تغطي الثلوج رؤوس الجبال فيهما ترسيم أقسام من حدودهما بالقرب من جبل ماترهورن بسبب ذوبان الجليد الناجم عن تغير المناخ وتغير خطوط سلسلة جبال الألب.

Switzerland and Italy are to redraw some sections of their border which includes a traversal of the pyramidal peak of the Matterhorn, one of the highest mountains in Europe – rising some 4,478m (14,692ft) above sea level.

After years of disagreement, the neighbouring countries are set to sign an accord that will move their shared border, due to global warming melting glaciers and altering Alpine ridge lines in the region.

Europe, which is the world’s fastest-warming continent, has witnessed glaciers in the Alps lose 10% of their volume in just the past two years – they are forecast to lose half their ice by 2050.

PUBLISHED: 30/09/2024; STORY: Graphic News