تحديد موقع محتمل لقاعدة بوريفيستنيك الروسية
September 3, 2024 - يقول باحثون أميركيون إنهم حددوا الموقع المحتمل لنشر صاروخ كروز بوريفيستنيك الذي يعمل بالطاقة النووية في روسيا، والذي وصفه الرئيس فلاديمير بوتين بأنه ”لا يقهر“.
Putin has said the weapon – dubbed the SSC-X-9 Skyfall by NATO –has an almost unlimited range and can evade U.S. missile defenses. But some Western experts dispute his claims and the Burevestnik's strategic value, saying it will not add capabilities that Moscow does not already have and risks a radiation-spewing mishap.
Using images taken on July 26 by Planet Labs, a commercial satellite firm, the two researchers identified a construction project abutting a nuclear warhead storage facility known by two names – Vologda-20 and Chebsara – as the new missile's potential deployment site. The facility is 295 miles (475 km) north of Moscow, Reuters said.