نفوق الحوت ”الجاسوس الروسي“ رمياً بالرصاص (2) infographic
Graphic shows details of alleged Russian spy whale.

نفوق الحوت ”الجاسوس الروسي“ رمياً بالرصاص

By Jordi Bou

September 2, 2024 - يزعم نشطاء حقوق الحيوان أنه أطلقت النار على الحوت الأبيض الذي يشتبه في أنه جاسوس روسي والذي عُثر عليه ميتاً قبالة الساحل النرويجي.

The body of Hvaldimir – a combination of the Norwegian word for whale and the first name of Russian President Vladimir Putin – was found floating off the south-western town of Risavika and taken to the nearest port for examination.

Hvaldimir was first spotted in Norwegian waters five years ago with a GoPro camera attached to a harness that read “Equipment of St Petersburg”

The whale was very interested in people and responded to hand signals, leading Norway’s domestic intelligence agency to presume he had been held in captivity in Russia as part of a research programme before crossing into Norwegian waters.

Moscow has never responded to the allegations about Hvaldimir.

PUBLISHED: 05/09/2024; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Ein Dahmer