اليابان تستعد لإعصار قوي infographic
Graphic shows forecast path of storm.


اليابان تستعد لإعصار قوي

August 28, 2024 - أصدر مسؤولو الأرصاد الجوية تحذيراً طارئاً مع اقتراب الإعصار شانشان من جنوب غرب اليابان،مما دفع شركة صناعة السيارات تويوتا إلى تعليق العمليات وشركات الطيران إلى إلغاء الرحلات الجوية.

Carmaker Toyota suspended operations at all of its domestic factories and airlines and rail operators also cancelled some services over the coming days as the typhoon, categorised as "very strong", packed winds of 50 metres per second with gusts of up to 70 metres per second (252 km per hour/157 mph).

Shanshan is expected to strike Japan's southwestern Kyushu island over the next few days and approach the central and eastern regions, which includes the capital Tokyo, around the weekend, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.

PUBLISHED: 28/08/2024; STORY: Graphic News