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 العنف اليميني المتطرف يتفجر في جميع أنحاء بريطانيا infographic
Graphic shows spread of racist riots across Britain and details timeline of events

أعمال عنف

العنف اليميني المتطرف يتفجر في جميع أنحاء بريطانيا

By Duncan Mil

August 7, 2024 - أعمال شغب وعنف تجتاح بريطانيا بعد اشتباك حشود من المدافعين عن الخطاب المناهض للهجرة والمعادي للإسلام مع الشرطة بسبب معلومات مضللة على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي حول الهجوم بالسكين في ساوثبورت.

Some 6,000 British police braced for further anti-Muslim riots on Wednesday (August 7, 2024) following reports of more than 100 planned far-right events to target asylum centers and immigration law firms across the country, prompting anti-fascist protesters to organize some 30 counter-protests.

The escalating wave of violence erupted early last week when false social media messaging online wrongly identified the suspected killer as an Islamist migrant.

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer, a former chief prosecutor who is facing his first crisis since winning a July 4 election, has warned rioters they will face lengthy jail terms. So far, police have arrested 428 people and charged 120.

After an emergency meeting with ministers and police chiefs on Tuesday, Starmer said police would be in place to cope with any further disorder.

“Our first duty is to ensure our communities are safe,” Starmer said.

“They will be safe. We are doing everything we can to ensure that where a police response is needed, it is in place, where support is needed for particular places, that is in place.”

“Anybody involving themselves in this disorder is going to feel the full force of the law,” he said.

PUBLISHED: 07/08/2024; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images, Mersyside Police