ثوران بركان جبل روانغ infographic
Graphic shows location of Mount Ruang volcano.


ثوران بركان جبل روانغ

April 30, 2024 - ثار بركان جبل روانغ في إندونيسيا للمرة الثانية خلال أسبوعين، مما أدى إلى إجلاء أكثر من 12.000 شخص ورفع حالة التأهب إلى أعلى مستوياته.

Indonesia’s disaster mitigation agency (BNPB) said that all 843 residents living in Ruang island, where the volcano is located, have been moved to Manado, the capital of North Sulawesi province. Residents of Tagulandang island are being relocated to Siau island to the north.

The eruption follows a series of eruptions earlier this month that forced hundreds to evacuate, and the airport in the provincial capital of Manado to close. That eruption also caused damage to some homes. At the time, the volcanology also issued a warning about the potential for a tsunami, Reuters said.

PUBLISHED: 30/04/2024; STORY: Graphic News