انقلاب ناقلة مواد كيميائية قبالة سواحل اليابان
March 20, 2024 - ناقلة مواد كيميائية ترفع علم كوريا الجنوبية وتحمل حمضاً صناعياً انقلبت جراء أمواج عاصفة قبالة جنوب غرب اليابان، مما أسفر عن مقتل ثمانية على الأقل من أفراد الطاقم.
The South Korean-flagged “Keoyoung Sun” chemical tanker has capsized off the coast of Yamaguchi prefecture in southwestern Japan, with eight deaths confirmed by the coastguard.
The tanker, which was forced to anchor due to bad weather, requested assistance after 7:00am on Wednesday (2200 GMT, Tuesday).
The vessel had 11 crew members on board, of which nine have been retrieved by the coast guard. Eight of those have been confirmed dead, with rescuers looking for the remaining two.
The tanker was carrying around 980 tonnes of acrylic acid, which is used in plastics, resin, and coatings and can irritate the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes.