الانتخابات الرئاسية الإندونيسية 2024  (1) infographic
Graphic shows quick count result of Indonesia’s presidential election.


انتخابات 2024 الرئاسية – الإندونيسيون يقررون

By Duncan Mil

February 15, 2024 - وزير الدفاع الإندونيسي برابوو سوبيانتو حصل على 58% من الأصوات في الانتخابات الرئاسية، بعد فوزه في الجولة الأولى.

Defence minister Prabowo Subianto took an early lead as Indonesia began counting votes in its presidential election, with a 58.2% share among 90% of ballots in unofficial tallies.

Subianto’s lead could see him win in a single round if sustained.

Ballots counted in a sample of voting stations nationwide, tallied by three pollsters, ranged from 80% to 90% as of 12:00GMT, 19:00WIB (Western Indonesian Time).

Rivals Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo had 25.1% and 16.7%, respectively, according to the independent pollsters that are conducting “quick counts” at the close of voting.

To win in a single round, a candidate needs more than 50% of votes cast and 20% of the ballot in half of the country’s provinces.

The top two finishers will hold a runoff in June if no candidate wins a majority.

PUBLISHED: 14/02/2024; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images