تجهيزات الباب عامل رئيسي في التحقيق بشأن السلامة infographic
Graphic shows door plug and location of failed fittings


تجهيزات الباب عامل رئيسي في التحقيق بشأن السلامة

By Duncan Mil

January 9, 2024 - أوقفت الهيئات التنظيمية الأميركية جميع طائرات بوينغ 737 ماكس 9 بعد أن اكتشفت يونايتد إيرلاينز وخطوط ألاسكا الجوية عدداً من البراغي غير المشدودة في الأبواب في أعقاب هبوط اضطراري لطائرة خطوط ألاسكا.

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration grounded 171 Max 9 planes on Saturday after a panel in the fuselage of an Alaska Airlines Max 9 blew off just minutes after taking off from Portland, Oregon, on Friday.

The event has raised serious concerns over the possibility of broader safety issues affecting the popular variation of Boeing’s 737 airliner.

A National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigator said late Monday (January 8) that an initial examination of the recovered door plug and the hole left in the airframe when the part blew out showed that two guide roller tracks, one on each side near the top of the door plug were fractured.

In a media briefing, NTSB engineer Clint Crookshanks said that the fractures did not cause the plug failure but happened as the panel broke away.

Finding out what happened to the four bolts on the Alaska accident flight is emerging as a critical task in the NTSB’s probe.

“We have not yet recovered the four bolts that restrain it from its vertical movement and have not yet determined if they existed,” Crookshanks said.

A closer examination of the plug and other parts would reveal if each bolt worked itself free or failed.

PUBLISHED: 09/01/2024; STORY: Graphic News