التلوث بسبب الوقود الأحفوري يقتل 5 ملايين شخص سنويا
November 30, 2023 - من المرجح أن يقتل تلوث الهواء الناجم عن استخدام الوقود الأحفوري أكثر من 5 ملايين شخص في جميع أنحاء العالم كل عام، وفقاً لتقرير جديد صادر عن المجلة الطبية البريطانية.
Global air pollution from fossil fuel use kills an estimated 5.13 million people every year, according to a new report by the British Medical Journal.
Excess deaths attributed to fine particulate and ozone air pollution are estimated to amount to 8.34 million per year – with 62% of those linked to fossil fuels.
The new report based on 2019 data, and the largest study of its kind, estimates fossil fuel-related deaths to be far larger than most previously reported values, amplifying ambient air pollution as the leading environmental health risk factor for illness and death.
Research suggests that switching from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy sources could save millions of lives every year.