أيسلندا تستعد لثوران بركاني infographic
Graphic shows area at risk.


أيسلندا تستعد لثوران بركاني

November 13, 2023 - يستعد الشعب الآيسلندي لما قد يكون أكبر انفجار بركاني تشهده البلاد والأكثر تدميراً منذ 50 عاماً، مع التخوف من تعرض بلدة صيد أسماك للتدمير.

There’s a significant likelihood of magma busting to the surface over the coming days at Grindavik, home to over 3,600 people, the Met Office said on Sunday. More than 2,000 earthquakes have rocked the area over the past 48 hours, according to Met Office data. Over the weekend, several roads and other structures were ripped apart.

The town, 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the capital city, was hastily evacuated late Friday with many fleeing so fast that pets and livestock were left behind, Bloomberg said.

PUBLISHED: 13/11/2023; STORY: Graphic News