طرد جماعي لأفغان معرضين للخطر infographic
Graphic shows status of Afghan refugees in Pakistan.


طرد جماعي لأفغان معرضين للخطر

By Duncan Mil

November 3, 2023 - قامت باكستان بترحيل ما لا يقل عن 180.000 أفغاني إلى أرضهم التي تحكمها حركة طالبان، واتخذت إجراءات صارمة ضد 1.7 مليون مهاجر غير قانوني، بدعوى أنهم مسؤولون عن هجمات مسلحة.

On October 3, Pakistan’s Interior Minister, Sarfaraz Bugti, ordered Afghans without visas or refugee status to leave within 28 days.

“There have been 24 suicide bomb attacks since January this year and 14 of them were carried out by Afghan nationals,” Bugti said as he announced the repatriation plan.

Pakistan has reported more than 300 attacks this year, mainly in northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and southwestern Balochistan provinces bordering Afghanistan.

About 3.5 million Afghans, 1.7 million of them undocumented, fled to Pakistan following the Soviet invasion in 1979.

A further 600,000 fled to Pakistan during the Islamist Taliban’s takeover in August 2021 after the withdrawal of U.S.-led coalition forces.

Many of the undocumented Afghans are Veterans who were central to fulfilling the West’s mission in Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban in 2022.

PUBLISHED: 03/11/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images