شباب لا يريدون مغادرة منازل ذويهم
October 27, 2023 - امرأة إيطالية تبلغ من العمر 75 عاماً ربحت دعوى قضائية لطرد ولديها - كلاهما في الأربعينيات من العمر - من منزلها، مما يسلط الضوء على عدد البالغين الكبير المثير للدهشة الذين يرفضون مغادرة ”العش“.
A 75-year-old Italian mother, annoyed by her two sons, aged 40 and 42, who refuse to leave home and who do not contribute to the household expenses or chores, has won a legal fight to have them evicted from her house.
Dubbed “bamboccioni” (big babies), the two men, who both have jobs, have until December 18, 2023 to vacate her house in the northern city of Pavia, Italy.
Almost 70% of adults in Italy aged between 18 and 34 still live at home with their parents, according to 2022 data from Eurostat – 72.6% of them men and 66% of them women.
Although high up the leaderboard, Italy does not have the highest percentage of European adults living with their parents, that honour goes to Croatia, where 78.2% still reside in their childhood homes.
Sweden has the lowest rate, with 12.5% of adults living with their parents. The EU average is 49.4%.
In all cases, men stay with their parents longer than women.