روبوت بأطراف يدخل مرحلة الإنتاج في اليابان infographic
Graphic shows details of the Archax mech robot.


روبوت بأطراف يدخل مرحلة الإنتاج في اليابان

By Ninian Carter

October 2, 2023 - صممت شركة ناشئة مقرها طوكيو روبوتاً يبلغ طوله 4.5 أمتار يشبه الروبوتات التي ظهرت في سلسلة رسوم متحركة شهيرة، مع استخدامات محتملة للإغاثة في حالات الكوارث أو في صناعة الفضاء.

Japanese start-up Tsubame Industries has designed a full-sized mech robot reminiscent of those featured in the cult anime series “Mobile Suit Gundam”, created by Yoshiyuki Tomino.

Called “Archax” (after avian dinosaur archaeopteryx), the robot has a cockpit where a pilot can sit and control the vehicle using joysticks and pedals, including manoeuvring the arms and hands, while viewing their surroundings on monitors linked to cameras on the exterior.

The battery operated robot weighs 3.5 tonnes and stands up to 4.5 metres tall when in “robot mode” – it lowers down when in “vehicle mode”, allowing it to be driven at a speed of 10km/h.

Tokyo-based Tsubame CEO Ryo Yoshida, 25, and his nine employees, want to build a limited run of five Archax robots, which come in a range of five colours and retail for $3 million each. He hopes his robot will one day lead to one capable of being used for disaster relief.

Archax will debut at the Japan Mobility Show, which opens to the public by Tokyo Bay, on October 28, 2023.

PUBLISHED: 02/10/2023; STORY: Graphic News