الأرمن العرقيون يفرون من ناغورنو كاراباخ infographic
Graphic shows current situation in ethnic Armenian breakaway Republic of Artsakh.


الأرمن العرقيون يفرون من ناغورنو كاراباخ

By Phil Bainbridge

September 26, 2023 - يفر الآلاف من منطقة آرتساخ الانفصالية خوفاً من الاضطهاد والتطهير العرقي بعد أن استولت أذربيجان على المنطقة في هجوم خاطف.

Ethnic Armenian separatists have been forced to disband and disarm and the separatist leadership will remain in place until all those who wish to leave can do so. Around 13,000 are already thought to have fled to Armenia.

The historical and cultural feud between Armenia and Azerbaijan has led to two recent wars, in 1988 and 2020, in which thousands died.

PUBLISHED: 26/09/2023; STORY: Graphic News