واحد من كل 10 يابانيين عمره الآن أكثر من 80 عاما infographic
Graphic charts the percentage of elderly people in Japan and in other countries.


واحد من كل 10 يابانيين عمره الآن أكثر من 80 عاما

By Jordi Bou

September 18, 2023 - لأول مرة، الأشخاص الذين تجاوزوا الثمانين من العمر يمثلون أكثر من 10% من إجمالي عدد اليابانيين، في حين نسبة الذين تزيد أعمارهم على 65 عاماً وصلت إلى مستوى قياسي في الدولة التي تضم أكبر عدد من كبار السن في العالم.

The number of people aged 80 or older rose by 270,000 from last year to a record 12.5 million, or more than 10 percent of Japan's population, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications said ahead of Monday's Respect for the Aged Day.

In another record, those age 65 and older, defined as the elderly in Japan, accounted for 29.1% of the total population at 36.2 million, meaning the country continues to have the largest proportion of this age group worldwide, the data shows.

Japan’s overall population fell by about half a million to 124.4 million, according to the report. It’s expected to tumble to less than 109 million by 2045.

PUBLISHED: 18/09/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images