مخاوف من مقتل الآلاف في فيضانات ليبيا
September 12, 2023 - يُعتقد أن أكثر من 3.000 شخص لقوا حتفهم وأن 10.000 في عداد المفقودين بعد أن تسببت العاصفة دانيال في فيضانات مدمرة اجتاحت أحياء بأكملها في شرق ليبيا.
Another 10,000 people are believed to be missing, according to a Red Cross and Red Crescent official.
In just the city of Derna, the worst hit area, at least 700 people have been confirmed dead from the unprecedented flooding. Authorities have declared Derna a disaster zone, saying the city has become inaccessible as electricity and communication have been cut off, according to ABC News.