أزمة الديون التي تواجه مجموعة العشرين
September 4, 2023 - ارتفاع الديون التي تجتاح دول العالم النامية، في ظل ارتفاع نسبة الدين إلى الناتج المحلي الإجمالي إلى مستويات غير مسبوقة، سيكون موضوعاً أساسياً للنقاش خلال قمة مجموعة العشرين في الهند.
The world’s 20 major countries currently account for 80% of global gross domestic production (GDP) and 75% of international trade.
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has emphasized addressing the challenges posed by debt distress at the two-day G20 summit in Delhi from September 9, especially for nations in the Global South.
“The debt crisis is a matter of great concern for the world, especially developing countries. Citizens from different countries are keenly following the decisions being taken by governments in this regard. There are some appreciable results, too,” Modi said. “Countries that are going through debt crisis or have gone through it have begun to give greater importance to financial discipline,” Modi said.
Under its G20 presidency, India has consistently highlighted the need for a framework on debt restructuring to help countries facing mounting debt problems.
The United Nations warns that 3.3 billion people live in countries where debt interest payments are higher than expenditure on health or education, as global public debt reached an all-time high of $92 trillion in 2022.
“The G20 finance ministers and Central Bank Governors have acknowledged the good progress in debt treatment of common framework countries and beyond the common framework too,” Modi said. “We have also been greatly sensitive to the needs of our valued neighbour, Sri Lanka, during their tough times,” he said.