تضاعف عدد السكان الأصليين في البرازيل infographic
Graphic shows Indigenous population percentage among Brazil’s regions.


تضاعف عدد السكان الأصليين في البرازيل

By Jordi Bou

August 8, 2023 - يظهر أحدث إحصاء سكاني في البرازيل أن عدد السكان الأصليين وصل إلى 1.69 مليون شخص، أي ما يقرب من ضعف ما أعلن عنه في السابق.

According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the number of people identifying as Indigenous has increased by nearly 90% in just 12 years, from 896,917 to 1.69 million.

The 89% increase is due to greater willingness of people to recognise their roots and better survey methods, including access to previously unreachable villages.

Half of Brazil's Indigenous communities live in the Amazon region, some 867,900, with the highest urban concentration in the city of Manaus, the capital of Amazonas state.

PUBLISHED: 08/08/2023; STORY: Graphic News