الصين تستعد لمواجهة إعصار دوكسوري القوي
July 25, 2023 - من المقرر أن يضرب الإعصار دوكسوري، أقوى إعصار خلال العام حتى الآن، كل من تايوان والصين تصحبه رياح تزيد سرعتها على 200 كيلومتر في الساعة.
Super typhoon Doksuri, likely the most powerful typhoon to make landfall in China this year, is causing enough concern for authorities to ask fishing boats to seek immediate shelter and farmers to speed up harvests where possible.
At almost 1,000 kilometres in diameter, Doksuri is expected to sweep past islands off the Philippines, while fierce winds and heavy rain lash Taiwan – which has already had to cancel parts of its largest every military drill.
Packing speeds of up to 222kph, Doksuri will make landfall on the Chinese mainland sometime on Friday, hammering densely populated cities.
Authorities are warning it could drive deep inland, affecting high-stalk crops such as corn and even rice in rural areas.