جهاز غوص روبوتي للبحث عن تيتان infographic
Graphic shows details of the Victor 6000 ROV.


جهاز غوص روبوتي للبحث عن تيتان

By Jordi Bou

June 22, 2023 - روبوت فرنسي يمكنه الغوص لمسافة 6.000 متر تحت سطح الماء قد يكون الوسيلة الحاسمة في البحث عن غواصة سياحية اختفت عندما هبطت بركابها لمشاهدة حطام سفينة تيتانيك.

As the reported oxygen reserves onboard the Titan are expected to run out, a French oceanographic vessel L'Atalante arrived over the wreck site bearing what many believe is the only hope of being rescued – an underwater robot called Victor 6000.

Victor 6000, described by Capt Jamie Frederick of the USCG as “state of the art”, can dive deeper than other equipment now at the site in the North Atlantic and has arms that can be remotely controlled to cut cables or perform other manoeuvres to release a stuck vessel, the operator said.

Once found, Victor could hook the Titan to a ship using the U.S. Navy’s Flyaway Deep Ocean Salvage System (FADOSS), a lift system designed to recover objects weighing up to 27.2 tonnes from depths of 6,000 metres.

PUBLISHED: 22/06/2023; STORY: Graphic News