اكتشاف مقبرة رومانية نادرة في لندن
June 14, 2023 - يُعتقد أن بقايا ضريح روماني نادر للغاية اكتشفه علماء الآثار في جنوب لندن هو الهيكل الأكثر سلامة من نوعه الذي تم اكتشافه في بريطانيا..
The remains of the structure at the Liberty of Southwark site in Borough have been described as “extremely rare” and feature preserved floors and walls.
Archaeologists think the site was used as some form of burial ground or tomb for wealthier members of Roman society.
Work on creating a permanent display is planned, says the team behind the find.
The dig was led by the Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) on behalf of Landsec and Transport for London (TfL).
MOLA believes the quality of preservation makes it the most intact Roman mausoleum ever to be discovered in Britain, according to the BBC.