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 غالبية الأميركيين ضد منافسة العودة بين بايدن وترامب infographic
Graphic shows selected poll results and 2024 presidential election odds.


غالبية الأميركيين ضد منافسة العودة بين بايدن وترامب

April 24, 2023 - أغلب الناخبين الأميركيين لا يريدون أن يترشح الرئيس جو بايدن أو الرئيس السابق دونالد ترامب للبيت الأبيض في العام 2024، حتى لو كان هذا يبدو وكأنه السيناريو الأكثر ترجيحاً، وفقاً لاستطلاع أجرته شبكة NBC نيوز.

Most of those surveyed, by a 70% to 26% margin, said that Biden should not seek reelection while 60% said Trump should bow out of the race, compared to 35% who want him to run.

Biden is looking to formally announce as early as this week that he’s running for a second term, according to people familiar with the matter. His approval ratings remain underwater, with 41% in the NBC poll approving of his job as president compared to 54% who disapproved.

Trump, meanwhile, has emerged as the strong frontrunner for the GOP nomination. He’s the first choice of 46% of Republican primary voters in the survey, compared to 31% who favored Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and 6% who favored former Vice President Mike Pence, Bloomberg said.

PUBLISHED: 24/04/2023; STORY: Graphic News