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 طائرات مقاتلة إلى أوكرانيا infographic
Graphic shows details of MiG-29 fighter jet and munitions that can use in Ukraine.


طائرات مقاتلة إلى أوكرانيا

By Jordi Bou

March 17, 2023 - من المقرر أن تتسلم أوكرانيا من الدولتين العضوتين في الناتو بولندا وسلوفاكيا طائرات مقاتلة من طراز ميغ-29 ضمن أولى شحنات الطائرات المقاتلة، ما يمثل مستوى جديداً مهماً في الدعم العسكري الغربي لكييف.

Russia has threatened to destroy any fighter jets given to Ukraine by its allies, after the two countries promised planes.

Slovakian Prime Minister Eduard Heger said that his country would send 13 MiG-29s to Ukraine, following Warsaw’s announcement that it would dispatch at least four of its own aircraft.

Ukraine recently received Joint Direct Attack Munition-Extended Range precision guided bombs, or JDAM-ERs. The kits, provided by the U.S., can be bolted on unguided bombs, giving them a range of up to 72km.

These long-range munitions make fixed-wing aircraft more useful on the battlefield.

According to U.S. military analysts, even a few JDAM-ERs will present Russian forces with unprecedented difficulties because they will give Ukraine a precision-guided fire-and-forget weapon enabling Ukrainian fighter pilots to turn away immediately after firing it, separating themselves from hostile air defense systems.

PUBLISHED: 17/03/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Boeing