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 زلزال جديد يضرب الحدود التركية - السورية infographic
Graphic shows earthquake epicentre.


زلزال جديد يضرب الحدود التركية - السورية

February 21, 2023 - رجال الإنقاذ يبحثون من جديد عن المحاصرين تحت الأنقاض في جنوب تركيا،
بعد أسبوعين من الزلزالين اللذين دمرا المنطقة وخلفا عشرات آلاف القتلى.

A 6.3 magnitude tremor struck near the city of Antakya near the border with Syria, where massive quakes devastated both countries on Feb 6.

The earlier quakes killed 44,000 people in Turkey and Syria with tens of thousands more left homeless.

Buildings weakened by those tremors collapsed in both countries on Monday.

Turkey's disaster and emergency agency says the 6.3 earthquake occurred at 20:04 local time (17:04 GMT) at a depth of 10km.

This was followed by a 5.8 aftershock three minutes later and 31 subsequent aftershocks that were not as severe, the BBC said.

PUBLISHED: 21/02/2023; STORY: Graphic News