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 فيضانات مميتة تجتاح ولاية ساو باولو البرازيلية infographic
Graphic shows areas affected by flooding and landslides.


فيضانات مميتة تجتاح ولاية ساو باولو البرازيلية

February 20, 2023 - قُتل العشرات ونزح المئات بعد أن أدت الأمطار الغزيرة إلى فيضانات وانهيارات أرضية في ولاية ساو باولو البرازيلية. السلطات ألغت فعاليات الكرنفال عبر أجزاء من الساحل.

Dozens of people are missing and while the number of dead is expected to rise, rescue workers say they hope to pull some of those trapped in flooded homes out of the mud alive.

The state government reported at least 35 deaths in São Sebastião and in Ubatuba, some 80km north-east, a seven-year-old girl was killed when a boulder weighing two tonnes hit her home.

Hundreds of people have been displaced and evacuated, the BBC said.

PUBLISHED: 20/02/2023; STORY: Graphic News