ستراتولونش روك ... أكبر طائرة في العالم
January 17, 2023 - صممت ستراتولونش روك لنقل وإطلاق المركبات التي تفوق سرعتها سرعة الصوت، وكذلك لتوفير وصول ميسور الكلفة إلى الفضاء.
Named after an enormous mythical bird said to be so big it could carry full-grown elephants, the Roc was designed to enable air-launching of hypersonic vehicles for rapid and iterative testing, and eventually for affordable access to space.
Its high wings and unique dual hull design, in which the pilot and co-pilot occupy the right fuselage and the flight data systems the left, allows safer under-wing launches from a central position. Stratolaunch plan to carry out the first “drop test” release of their prototype hypersonic vehicle Talon-A from the Roc later in 2023.