الحكومة الإسرائيلية الجديدة الأكثر تطرفا
December 22, 2022 - اتفاق بنيامين نتنياهو سيوفر له العودة إلى السلطة كرئيس لتحالف هو الأكثر تطرفاً في تاريخ الحكومات الإسرائيلية.
Secular and liberal Israelis are horrified by the anti-Arab, homophobic and sexist rhetoric of some of the people appointed to ministerial positions, as well as plans to dismantle judicial checks and balances.
They fear this government could have far-reaching implications for Israel’s democratic institutions; for its civil society; and for Palestinians – in Israel and in the Palestinian territories that Israel has occupied since 1967.
Netanyahu has accused critics of fearmongering and has vowed to preserve the status quo.
- Netanyahu Informs President He Has Formed a Government (Haaretz)
- Israel's Netanyahu says he has secured deal to form new government (Reuters)
- Who’s who in Israel’s new far-right government, and why it matters (JTA)
- How will Israel’s most rightwing government yet wield its power? (FT)
- Israel's most right-wing government agreed under Benjamin Netanyahu (BBC)