عدد الصحافيين المسجونين يصل إلى مستوى قياسي infographic
Graphic charts numbers of journalists detained, held hostage and killed globally in 2022.

نهاية العام

عدد الصحافيين المسجونين يصل إلى مستوى قياسي

By Ninian Carter

December 21, 2022 - هناك 533 صحافياً معتقلون في السجون في جميع أنحاء العالم، وفقاً لمنظمة “مراسلون بلا حدود”. عدد المحتجزين كرهائن ارتفع أيضاً إلى 65 صحافياً، إضافة إلى تقارير عن مقتل 57 آخرين.

Reporters Without Borders (Reporters Sans Frontières – RSF) says a record 533 journalists were imprisoned worldwide in 2022 (339 untried) – a 13.4% rise on the previous year

China is the biggest jailer, incarcerating 110 journalists. Myanmar holds 62 journalists, making it the second biggest jailer in the world. Iran is in third place with 47, Vietnam fourth on 39, and Belarus fifth with 31 imprisoned journalists. Altogether those five countries account for 54% of the world’s jailed media workers.

RSF says 65 journalists are being held hostage around the world (mostly in Syria) and 49 journalists are missing.

The number of journalists killed in 2022 reached 57, eight of which died in Ukraine – an overall increase of 18.8% on 2021.

Despite Russia’s invasion, fewer journalists died there than in peacetime Mexico, where 11 journalists were murdered.

RSF’s data covers January 1 to December 1, 2022.

PUBLISHED: 21/12/2022; STORY: Graphic News