الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا - اليوم 217 infographic
Graphic shows situation report following day 217 of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا - اليوم 217

By Jordi Bou

September 28, 2022 - المسؤولون الذين نصبتهم روسيا في أربعة أقاليم محتلة أعلنوا عن وجود أغلبية كبيرة لصالح الانضمام إلى روسيا في الإستفتاءات “الصورية”.

Up to four million people were asked to vote in the war-torn regions, which make up about 15% of Ukraine's territory.

There is speculation that Russian President Vladimir Putin may announce the four regions’ annexation in a speech to a joint session of Russia’s parliament on Friday.

Washington is preparing a new round of sanctions against Russia should it annex Ukrainian territory and a $1.1 billion arms package for Ukraine that will be announced soon, U.S. officials said.

PUBLISHED: 28/09/2022; STORY: Graphic News