الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا - اليوم 121 infographic
Graphic shows situation report following day 121 of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا - اليوم 121

By Jordi Bou

June 24, 2022 - طُلب من القوات الأوكرانية الانسحاب من مدينة سيفيرودونتسك حسب تصريحات حاكم المنطقة. المدينة هي محور الغزو الروسي حيث تحاول موسكو السيطرة على أجزاء كبيرة من شرق أوكرانيا.

Russian forces have made advances in recent days and have nearly encircled the city, and its twin city Lysychansk.

Meanwhile, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Ukraine's formal candidature to join the European Union was a big step towards strengthening Europe at a time when Russia was testing its freedom and unity.

Zelenskiy told EU leaders in Brussels on Thursday that their decision to accept Kyiv's candidacy was among the most important for Ukraine since it broke from the Soviet Union 31 years ago, Reuters reports.

PUBLISHED: 24/06/2022; STORY: Graphic News