Graphic shows candidate profiles and poll ratings.


المرشحون للرئاسة في كوريا الجنوبية

February 16, 2022 - من المقرر أن تكون الانتخابات الرئاسية في كوريا الجنوبية الأكثر تقارباً منذ 20 عاماً، إذ اثنان من المرشحين الأوفر حظاً يتنافسان على خلافة الرئيس مون جاي إن

Polls say voters are looking for a president who can clean up polarised politics and corruption, and tackle the runaway housing prices and deepening inequality that have dogged Asia’s fourth-largest economy, according to Reuters.

Curbing North Korea's weapons tests and resuming talks would be a plus, but even a record month of missile testing by Pyongyang in January hasn’t made foreign policy a key issue for the March 9 vote in South Korea.

But the major issues named in the polls have been overshadowed by scandals and petty controversies, ranging from allegations of abuse of power to spats over one candidate’s relationship with a shaman and an anal acupuncturist, Reuters said.

PUBLISHED: 16/02/2022; STORY: Graphic News