كيف تواصل أمازون التسبب في انهيار الانترنت infographic
Graphic shows what has caused systematic AWS failures.


كيف تواصل أمازون التسبب في انهيار الانترنت

By Ninian Carter

December 23, 2021 - خدمات أمازون ويب (AWS)، خدمة استضافة الويب التي تغطي مساحات شاسعة من الإنترنت، تعطلت ثلاث مرات في كانون الأول (ديسمبر)، وعطّلت معها خدمات مثل ديزني+ ونتفليكس وستاربكس وزوم لعدة ساعات.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) which provide cloud computing infrastructure to individuals, universities, governments and companies around the world, has suffered three outages in December.

Websites and online services for a wide range of companies have been taken offline for hours, including Amazon, Apex Legends, Coinbase, Disney+, Epic Games store, Hulu, McDonalds, Netflix, PlayStation Network, U.S. Postal Service, Ring, Roku, Slack, Snapchat, Starbucks, Tinder and Zoom.

The outages are linked to three cloud regions where Amazon has huge data centres – US-West-1, US-West-2 and US-EAST-1. Altogether, downtime from repeated AWS glitches surpass 10 hours in December and are a stark reminder of what can happen when a single company controls so much Internet infrastructure.

PUBLISHED: 23/12/2021; STORY: Graphic News