انبعاثات الكربون تظهر قفزة سريعة
November 4, 2021 - عاد التلوث العالمي من ثاني أكسيد الكربون إلى مستويات ما قبل الوباء في الوقت الذي عادت فيه الصناعات التي تستمد طاقتها من الفحم والغاز بعد فترات الإقفال.
According to an early estimate by the research group Global Carbon Project prepared for the COP26 talks occurring in Glasgow, CO2 emissions will rise by 4.9% this year.
Last year, emissions fell 5.4% after Covid-19-related quarantines and policies limited economic activity in much of the world.
Among major emitters, China and India are expected to post higher emissions in 2021 than in 2019, while the United States and Europe are expected to have slightly slower emissions.
The new numbers vividly illustrate the global challenge posed by decades of delayed climate policy and investment.