قوات حركة طالبان تجتاح أفغانستان (1) infographic
Graphic shows details of districts and provincial capitals controlled by Taliban insurgents.


قوات حركة طالبان تجتاح أفغانستان

August 11, 2021 - تنشر الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا 3600 جندي في أفغانستان للمساعدة في إجلاء المدنيين الأميركيين والبريطانيين، بعدما سيطر مقاتلو طالبان على عواصم ولايات قندهار ولاشكر جاه وهيرات.

The fall of the capitals of Badakhshan and Baghlan provinces to the northeast and Farah province to the west put increasing pressure on the country’s central government to stem the tide of the advance, even as its lost a major base in Kunduz, according to AP.

While Kabul itself has not been directly threatened in the advance, its stunning speed raises questions of how long the Afghan government can maintain control of its countryside. The multiple fronts of the battle have stretched the government’s special operations forces – while regular troops have often fled the battlefield – and the violence has pushed thousands of civilians to seek safety in the capital.

The U.S. military, which plans to complete its withdrawal by the end of the month, has conducted some airstrikes but largely has avoided involving itself in the ground campaign, AP said.

PUBLISHED: 13/08/2021; STORY: Graphic News