Graphic shows projected path of the storm.


عاصفة استوائية تهدد الأولمبياد في اليابان

By Jordi Bou

August 6, 2021 - من المتوقع أن تضرب العاصفة الاستوائية ميرينا اليابان، ويحتمل أن تتسبب
في تعطيل الأحداث الرياضية الخارجية في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع الأخيرة لأولمبياد طوكيو

Japan’s weather agency warned of strong winds, high waves and the risk of landslides and floods along the eastern coastline from Saturday afternoon to Sunday, when Tropical Storm Mirinae is expected to pass over the capital, Tokyo.

Medaling events for baseball, softball, beach volleyball, canoe sprint, soccer and golf are all scheduled to take place on Saturday or Sunday.

Japan's typhoon season runs from around May to October, peaking in August and September.

PUBLISHED: 06/08/2021; STORY: Graphic News