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 برانسون يستعد للتفوق على بيزوس في الفضاء infographic
Graphic shows details of the mission.


برانسون يستعد للتفوق على بيزوس في الفضاء

By Jordi Bou

July 11, 2021 - ريتشارد برانسون سيكون على متن أول رحلة تجريبية مأهولة بالكامل لطائرته الفضائية فيرجن غالاكتيك، متفوقاً بذلك على جيف بيزوس ليصبح أول صاحب شركة صواريخ يتوجه إلى الفضاء.

The mission could take off as soon as July 11, depending on weather and other factors. With this launch window, the flight may happen just before Blue Origin’s launch of its New Shepard suborbital vehicle, which is scheduled for July 20. That New Shepard flight will loft Bezos, the Amazon founder.

This will be the 22nd flight test for the six-passenger, two-pilot VSS Unity, one of Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo vehicles, as well as the company's fourth crewed spaceflight.

Branson’s intention is to introduce a commercial spaceflight service. Some 600 individuals have already lodged deposits to take the ride.

Witnessing the British entrepreneur do it means those customers are now getting extremely close to having to hand over the full ticket price, which in some cases will be $250,000.

PUBLISHED: 07/07/2021; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images