Graphic shows profiles of Netanyahu’s main rivals and poll of polls.


المتنافسون يسعون لإسقاط نتنياهو

By Duncan Mil

March 23, 2021 - Israelis are voting in their fourth election in two years. In the past three elections, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s rivals came from the left -- he now faces a challenge from right-wing contenders.

Over the weekend, the final opinion polls predict Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party finishing with 29-30 seats in the 120-seat Knesset (parliament). But also show potential key allies without the necessary public support to make forming a new government straightforward.

Like the previous three ballots, this one is seen primarily as a nationwide referendum on the country’s longest-serving Prime Minister. Netanyahu, 71, currently faces charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust -- allegations which he denies -- and his trial will resume in April.

On top of that, Israel’s economy has been hit hard by the pandemic, and public anger mounted over Netanyahu’s handling of the crisis.

Israel’s three main TV stations will broadcast exit polls at 20:00GMT on Tuesday (March 23). Actual results will begin trickling in overnight and throughout Wednesday, with final results expected on Friday.

PUBLISHED: 23/03/2021; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Associated Press